【视频】:NBA名人堂盛大红地毯颁奖仪式 姚明夺得头彩
姚明入选名人堂在外界看来是一件实至名归的事情,实际上一个退役球员能进入名人堂要经过相当激烈的选拔过程。衡量一个球员是否具备资格以及能否进入名人堂,运动生涯中取得成绩只是一方面,更重要的是,该球员在篮球领域的影响力、推动力,以及对于篮球这项运动在更大范围的推广与普及等方面。姚明被全球专家列为史上最佳球员第89位,目前入选了名人堂的 NBA球员也只有129名。
按照美国主流媒体的评价 姚明今晚在Springfield 夺得了头彩。NBA颁奖仪式安排了来自中国的姚明作为第一位颁奖明星。姚明首先感谢了作为他职业生涯摇篮的上海以及他的妻子叶莉长期以来对他的支持,姚明特别提及上海大鲨鱼主教练李秋平教练还有中国篮球传奇人牟作云。幽默而又谦虚的姚明博得交融不断的掌声与喝彩声。
I want to thank the city of Shanghai ,Shanghai shark and CBA lead that did everything they could to prepare me, they arise me and train me and helped me to get ready for the next challenge in my life, there is an old saying in China that if the mirror is made of brown, one can dress property, if a mirror is history, one can predict ups and down, one at the mirror is people, one can conflict on ones own weakness and strength, I would like to talk a moment to mention a few mirrors in my life.
火箭队CEO Ted Brown泰德布朗
proud, very proud, Yaoming is been such an important part of our
organization, since it drafted number one as a personal friend and just
seeing him grow up in with all the pressures on him and being’s bridge
between China and United States and his global ambassador of basketball
to see his end. Here at hall of frame, is nobody more deserving for this
honor than Yaoming.
姚明美国知名关节医生 Thomas Clanton 托马斯.克莱顿
was painful for us also, but considering you know for his future, I
think it was the correct decision. So he can lead a very successful life
in the future, he is so talent and in Telligent, I think he will have
other careers that will bring honor to him and to China as well.
(编辑:任美星 阴怀德)
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